
May 19, 2022 I just got around updating the publications from past research projects, including links. Go to my PhD research page to find this updated overview!

June 5, 2020 The last two papers of my PhD just got accepted in the Bulletin of Mathematical Biology :) I guess this officially marks the end of my time in academia. They will soon be available online and I will post the links on my PhD research page. Stay tuned!

October 29, 2019 What started about 2.5 years ago as a conference session on canopies in aquatic ecosystems has now become a Research Topic (a.k.a. collection of papers) in the Frontiers journal series. The e-book version will be available soon. Go read about some cool insights and research on aquatic canopies!

July 12, 2019 Wageningen University is accepting applications for the Marina van Damme award 2019! I was the first WUR alumna to win this award last year. It consists of €9000 to support a female alumna in taking the next step or a new direction in her career. The application deadline is August 9th. If you’re a woman who completed a MSc or PhD at Wageningen University: apply, apply, apply!

July 12, 2019 The manuscript stemming from my first thesis chapter has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Experimental Biology! Stay tuned for the link to the pdf once it is online.

June 3rd, 2019 Started a new job today, as a consultant!!! I was ready to try something new and I’m excited about all the learning opportunities I will have. I will try to write some more about it when I have the time :)

October 17, 2018 Our pulsing corals made a very short guest appearance in a video made by Nature to promote a new paper on the biomechanics of flight in dandelion seeds (corals at 1’51). Hollywood, here we come!

October 1, 2018 After a few months of being a full-time seller on craigslist and roaming around Europe to visit family and friends, I am very happy and proud to announce that I started a postdoctoral position in the Department of Collective Behaviour at the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology. Time to get back to some more serious stuff….

Photo credit: Guy Ackermans

Photo credit: Guy Ackermans

September 3, 2018 I've had the immense honor today to be the first Wageningen UR alumna to receive the Marina van Damme grant and become the newest member of the Marina van Damme network for young women with ambition and passion for their field. I am excited to join this group of awesome women and start working on my neurobiology skills next summer! Read more about this here.

August 7, 2018 It's official! You can call me Dr. Samson now :D #PhDone

July 9, 2018 Just chaired the session on modeling motion in fluids at low Reynolds number at the joint JSMB-SMB meeting in Sydney, Australia. What a pleasure to monitor this session and present my own research at the end!

May 28, 2018 Today, I submitted a manuscript on the collective behavior of pulsing corals. This study is the result of our collaboration, initiated a little less than a year ago at a SAMSI workshop on collective behavior, with Maurizio Porfiri at NYU and Simon Garnier at NJIT. Fingers crossed!

May 17, 2018 I just came back from the 2nd International Cassiopea Workshop. What an awesome and relaxed brainstorming opportunity! It was great to see some people from last year and meet new members of the Cassio community. We also celebrated the publication of our paper together.

*** May 9, 2018 I successfully defended my Ph.D. today! The public presentation was streamed live on YouTube and the recording can be viewed here. Thanks for all the support, time to catch up on some sleep! ***

February 16, 2018 Today, I presented my latest research at the 2018 Ocean Sciences Meeting in Portland, OR. It was the last day of the conference but a lot of people came to the session on ecological fluid mechanics. It was fun!

Starring in the Company of Biologists' ad!

Starring in the Company of Biologists' ad!

January 9, 2018 Starring in the latest ad for the Company of Biologists' Travelling Fellowship program! Yup, that's me, right there! --->

January 7, 2018 Starting the new year the right way with a presentation on our latest work on detecting pulsing patterns in xeniid corals at the annual SICB meeting in San Francisco.

December 26, 2017 Another coral publication is out! This paper got published in the Biomath, an open access journal. Get the pdf here.

December 20, 2017 The results from our research presented at the Biomath 2017 meeting in June are now published! Click here to access the pdf and see pictures of us in action!

December 7, 2017 As part of the HHMI International Student Research Fellowship, I was invited to attend one of the HHMI conferences held on the beautiful HHMI campus in Chevy Chase, MD. It was very inspiring to listen to talks and meet scientists outside my area of research!

November 9, 2017 I just wrapped up what will probably be the last season of fieldwork for my thesis! It's always a pleasure to be at the Inter-University Institute for Marine Sciences in Eilat and I hope I'll be able to come back after my PhD.

To view older news items, click here.

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